Idea to Impact – Project Greenbites
What is Food Sustainability and How does it impact our lives?
How to help the Facility Services (FS) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) raise awareness, engage, and motivate local entrepreneurs with sustainability best practices in their food businesses?
Project Background
About Faculty Services
Facility Services (FS) is responsible for services to support education and research at the UvA and HvA.
These services include:
1. Educational facilities: educational logistics, teaching rooms, management and arranging furniture, and audiovisual equipment;
2. Facilities in and around the buildings: food & drink, cleaning, security, room management, minor maintenance, bicycle and grounds management, mail & repro;
3. Accommodation: building maintenance, room management, emergency response coordination, security, permits, relocations and rebuilding/renovation projects;
4. Purchasing: ordering, purchasing and tendering;
5. Facility matters related to events.
Our questions in focus:
A. What are the jobs, pains, gains, and needs of entrepreneurs in their daily work?
B. How to educate, generate awareness, and trigger action by local entrepreneurs toward the green food transition
Target groups/users:
- FS Food & Drink
- Suppliers at HvA & UvA Campuses
- UvA/HvA Management, reporting of sustainability goals and progress.
Here, we introduce you to our team, Greenbites! We are a group of 7 members – Aria Marshall, Debalina Mukherjee, Jean Gilles Niyitanga, Alexander Plet, George Adegoke, Karàn Kokabisaghi along with our Transformation Owner, Namratha Aroor.