Looking back: SDG Expert Seminar – Design for Sustainable Futures
On Wednesday, June 20, experts in Design, Education and Sustainability gathered for an Expert Seminar on the Sustainable Development Goals within Design and Education. The SDG’s have been on the rise in the industry, the public sector, and education, since 2012. How do we translate these goals into local action? What is their role within Design Education and the creative industry? How do we train our future designers, using this framework for sustainable development.
During this Expert Seminar local and international designers, companies and professionals shared their Best Practices on designing with and for Global Goals. Participating partners were, amongst others, World Design Organization, UNDP and Butterfly Works. Afterward, we enjoyed drinks at the World Design Organization’s network drinks in combination with a peek at creative developments of the future, at the Digital Society School’s annual showcase.
Hosted by:
Marco van Hout, Digital Society School, World Design Organization
Anneke van Woerden, Digital Society School
Gilles Rougon, World Design Organization
Mike vd Hof, MVO
Chris Julien, Waag Society
Hana Omar, United Nations Development Programme
Cédric Ceulemans, Butterfly Works
Zlatina Tsvetkova, Digital Society School
Mark Watson, DesignThinkers Group Australia, Global Goals Jam Australia
Shinichiro Ito, Kyoto University, Global Goals Jam Asia