
Toolbox Farming

I am an MBA student, always striving towards excellence

I am an economics teacher, guiding my students to a profitable future

I am a business owner, an employee, a city official, a future educator

And above all, I am a leader in my own life

Marching towards sustainability, walking towards a better future

For me, for you, for all


This is a future our project wishes to envision. A future where business students, teachers, & professionals know about ecological principles, understand system thinking, and have the capacity and motivation to use these values in their work. And so the big 4 questions arise:

  • How do we introduce them to systems thinking and ecological principles and connect these concepts to the business world?
  • How do we provide a language and framework for discussing business from a different perspective?
  • How do we help them recognize their own basic assumptions and explore alternative perspectives on business? 
  • How do we encourage them to (re)consider how they lead or work within their own industries, with an eye toward sustainability and long-term impact? 

We had these ideas in our hearts about what our challenge is and then with these notions we had our first partner meeting. Lots of excitement, many collective mapping exercises, and multiple conversational objects later we reached a common starting point. A glimpse of it is below.

And thus 5 curious beings marched on a journey to make the world a better place, one step at a time.