Creative Technology

Serious Game for HR

How to create a playful tool for professional growth?

OntwikkelRuimte is a tool designed to support professional reflection and development for teacher-researchers at the HvA. The goal is to help users have a clear view of their career, and offer an overview of available professionalisation resources to help achieve their development goals. The tool also aims to support team reflection and discussions through the use of a board game-like version of the tool.

🎓 For teacher researchers within the HvA
💼 For career development
🎯 Allows user to set career goals
🧭 A tool of self reflection
🎲 Physical tool for team reflection
🖥️ Digital tool for individual reflection

This ongoing project that DSS is actively working on and improving, aiming to integrate the tool into the HvA’s existing career development processes. Additionally, this type of playful and reflection solution has the potential to be adapted for various roles and industries, beyond academia and research.


Let’s talk about it over coffee

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