DSS leads Speculative Futures Chapter Amsterdam
The Digital Society School is proud to announce the opening of the Speculative Futures Chapter, Amsterdam.
Speculative Futures is an international community of meetups focused on Speculative & Critical Design, Design Fiction, Futurism, and Strategy & Foresight. Together, we will examine the ephemeral and the tangible; showcasing creative projects, far out research, and tangible strategies for affecting change. In our meetups we will be hosting workshops around speculative design for those interested in speculative design, critical design, discursive design, strategic foresight, futurism, science fiction and visionary approaches that use design and visual culture to imagine potential futures. From time, we would like to invite speakers—practitioners, teachers, students, and other professionals who will talk about their work and methods.
If you’re interested and would like to keep up to date with our meetups, please consider joining our meetup group.
The chapter will be lead by Theo Ploeg, design and media sociologist and Mick Jongeling, Digital Transformation Designer at Digital to Physical track.