Online Course

Speculative Design: The Hyperconnected City

Speculative Design: The Hyperconnected City is a work session that offers tools to map the future in a meaningful way with an introduction to Speculative Design, relevant developments in the design field and the added value of these design approaches.

Instead of focusing on problems in the present, speculative designs imagine how developments change over time and affect the future. By building both possible and preferable futures, you combine business vision and practice. It enables you to describe your role in the near future as a business and offers speculation about matching products or services. It opens up ways of thinking about a business beyond an immediate attempt to solve current problems, and instead see opportunities to affect long term change in the world.

In this session we will explore  the challenges and the opportunities of The Hyperconnected City. The course is developed in close cooperation with our partner Cumulus Park. Cumulus Park is a collaborative innovation district in Amsterdam Zuidoost where people and organizations come together in a unique community where different disciplines, sectors and backgrounds work on issues of today and of the future.

Register here for Speculative Design: The Hyperconnected City

The programme

  • Introduction to Speculative Design;
  • Relevant developments in the design field;
  • “Holistic” Impact measurements;
  • World Building;
  • Creating inventions for the citizens and systems in place;
  • Translating the inventions back to the now;

What to expect

  • An introduction to Speculative Design, relevant developments in the design field and the added value of these design approaches.
  • Working session with other participants to ideate new shared futures
  • Create concepts and narratives on alternative futures.

Who should attend

  • C level business professionals
  • Head of Strategy / Business Development
  • Commercial Designers

Tip: Speculative Design benefits from multiple perspectives. Feel free to invite someone from your organization or network that has a different way of thinking than your own.

About Digital Society School

Digital Society School is a learning community that focusses on the Sustainable Development Goals and aims for meaningful integration of technology in the Digital Transformation of society. We hire our teams across disciplines and cultures to combine design, tech and social innovation when we design innovative concepts and build prototypes for societal challenges. We closely work together with industry & government, to have impact on business & society. We share our tools & knowledge with the world and offer programmes to train both students and professionals with the knowledge, skills and mindset to become Transformation Designers.


Mick Jongeling

I research the visual and social impact of rapidly developing technologies on individuals and society. My main interests are design ethics and sustainability, which I try to materialise through speculative design, participatory design or data physicalisation. Digital Transformation Designer at Digital Society School and Co-Founder of Speculative Futures Amsterdam. LinkedIn

Theo Ploeg

Telling stories about possible futures is my trade. As a media and design sociologist, I use speculative design as an attitude to investigate and explore the near future and bring my findings back to the now. I teach the practice of doing so at different media and design schools. Co-Founder of Speculative Futures Amsterdam.