Mic Drop

Mic Drop #10 – Sobhi Khatib on Diversity

Thanks very much to all those who attended!
A transcript of the Mic Drop is available here.


Sobhi Khatib is the freshly appointed coordinator of our new track Systems for Sharing. Some of the most urgent challenges the world faces today are part of complex social systems. and include inequality, racism, social isolation, health hazards and climate change. Not to mention that billions of people are often still unable to meet their basic needs for food, water, and housing.
More and more Social Systems communities, organisations, and local governments are taking action to address these challenges by exercising a basic human practice: sharing. By sharing their labour, space, goods, and more, people are overcoming scarcity by building and maintaining vital common resources. They show that sharing can lead everyone to have more, together.

Sobhi will share his thoughts on Diversity. How do we create a workspace that is diverse and inclusive? Why is diversity important? And how diverse is the tech sector, for example?

Sobhi Khatib has a diverse background himself, ranging from NGO work, training and facilitation to strategy, research and storytelling. He just started at Digital Society School as our new Track Owner. Join us and welcome him at his first Micdrop!

The DSS Mic Drops are inspirational, interactive, provocative talks given by expert researchers and practitioners, on topics that relate to design, tech, societal challenges and how we can make the world a better place by integrating technology more wisely and humanely.

Date: 13 March 2019
Time: 17:00-19:00 (including Drinks, Q&A and Debate)
Venue: Studio HvA
Live stream: https://digitalsocietyschool.org/wp/