
Design for Transformation, Needs a Transformation in Design

We live in a world with plenty of people, plenty of passion, plenty of knowledge, plenty of skills, and definitely plenty of ideas, ready to change the world. Fueled by a critical attitude towards the status quo, curiosity and creativity, we seem to want to orchestrate a constant flow towards the new, the disruptive and the innovative.

However, what we don’t seem to grow is a culture of sharing and building upon each other’s work. Creating something new and therefore changing the status quo may disrupt some of the current issues, but does not have the desired longer-term effects. The effects we so desperately need in order to reach the Sustainable Development Goals as adopted by the UN by 2030.

Marco van Hout, co-founder and Head of Programmes at DSS, argues that there is not a real culture of sharing in the design field, that we suffer from ‘design waste’ and he has been on a mission to fight it for the past years, for example via Global Goals Jam and Design Across Cultures initiatives within the Digital Society School.

In this talk Marco will argue why we should not only create change, but aim for transformation. Psychologists state that change initially modifies behavior but that transformation will modify values and desires. Because in real transformation lies the change we are looking for in the world. In culture, behavior and in how we as creators/ innovators will be able to really contribute to a better world by 2030.

By being creative, but similarly by being critical about how we document, share and use that creativity: Transform the world. By design.

Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, USA
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 4:00 – 5:15 p.m.
Webb Auditorium, James E. Booth Hall

Reception (after presentation)
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
University Gallery, James E. Booth Hall