Mic Drop

Mic Drop #9 – Augmented Intelligence

The DSS Mic Drops are inspirational, interactive, provocative talks given by expert researchers and practitioners, on topics that relate to design, tech, societal challenges and how we can make the world a better place by integrating technology more wisely and humanely.

Augmented Intelligence – What will happen when almost everyone and everything on the planet is digitally connected?

What will it mean when artificial intelligence can sense and learn from the world around us? And how can we use design to create a better experience around data to improve our everyday life?

A Creative Director at research and design lab SPACE10. Together with a team of architects, engineers, technologists and designers he works on creating better and more sustainable ways of living. Current research and development efforts are focused on augmented intelligence, shared living, open fabrication and solar energy.


Talk: Augmented Intelligence – What will happen when almost everyone and everything on the planet is digitally connected?
Speaker: Bas van de Poel – SPACE10
Date: 9 January 2019
Time: 17:00-19:00 (including Drinks, Q&A and Debate)
17:00 – New Year’s Drinks
17:30 – Mic Drop Start
Venue: Studio HvA: http://www.hva.nl/locaties/hva-locaties/niet-les-locaties/studio-hva.html

Due to restrictions, this particular Mic Drop unfortunately cannot be live streamed. We apologize for any inconvenience.