
Smart Neighborhood Profile


Our challenge is to design a smart and multidisciplinary neighborhood profile, and determine how it can support municipalities in their transition away from natural gas towards more environmental-friendly heating options. We will be addressing the following questions:

  1. What characteristics define a smart neighborhood profile?
  2. What challenges are relevant to connecting to the natural gas transition?
  3. How can the profile be made automated, scalable, sharable, visually attractive, and up-to-date without losing the relevant data?
  4. Who should have access to this smart profile?

By answering these questions, we can create an effective and efficient smart neighborhood profile. As a result, this profile will be a valuable tool for policymakers as they work towards a more sustainable heat future.


The Dutch government has set a goal to eliminate the use of natural gas in all houses by 2050. Neighborhood data plays a crucial role in this heat transition, as it provides valuable insights to policymakers for making plans for the neighborhoods. However, despite the availability of most data, it is not collected, analyzed, and visually presented properly.

In collaboration with our client TAUW, our team is developing a smart profile to collect, analyze, and visualize data in a more effective way. This profile will assist municipalities in transitioning from natural gas to more sustainable sources of energy. By using this smart profile, policymakers will be able to make informed decisions about the transition to more sustainable energy sources. The final product will be a valuable resource that the stakeholders can easily share. It will also contribute to the development of a more sustainable future overall.